[ACD] Skill Management
The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors
To access this page, click Agent Management in the left-hand navigation bar to drop down the available page options, then click Manage Skills.
The Skill Management section is where all skills are created and maintained. Agent abilities are combined to form skills, which are then assigned to campaigns that utilize the Skills Based Routing call distribution type.
For more information on Ability Management, click here.
For more information on creating/editing abilities and skills and using them in a Skills Based Routing campaign, click here.
In addition to the Search function on the page, you can also:
Create a New Skill
Skill Details tab:
Name: delete the default text and write in a name for the skill
Description (optional)
Affiliate (optional): click the drop down and choose from available Affiliates
Suspended (defaults to No): Leave as-is. Because skills can not be deleted, you can return here at any time and set to Suspended=Yes to take it out of service.
Click Update to save the skill
You can also Clone an existing skill, then make any necessary changes
Abilities tab:
Click the Choose an Ability dropdown and select an ability to add to this skill
Assign a Weight by typing a number in the text box
The higher the weight, the more this skill will factor for the agent when they are part of a Skills Based campaign that utilizes this ability
💡 Weights are normally rated 0-100, however the maximum value permitted here is 999.99
Click Update to save the skill or repeat the above steps to add more abilities
You can also Clone an existing skill, then make any necessary changes
This button initiates a download of all skills on the ACD, sorted by creation date from oldest to newest
The downloadable CSV spreadsheet shows:
Skill ID
Name of the skill
Created On timestamp
Suspended Y/N
Abilities that are associated with the skill
Click to refresh the list
Click to show/hide additional page view options
To edit an existing skill:
Click the skill ID (blue button)
Make any necessary changes on the Skill Details tab or Abilities tab
Click Update to save