[ACD] Configuring Campaign Transfer Options

[ACD] Configuring Campaign Transfer Options

The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors

Transfers allow for the agent to hand off a call to another resource, whether internal or external. This article details the steps needed to configure Campaign Transfer options.

  • This is to allow the transfer from:

    • agent to agent on the same campaign using the same guided interaction (script)

    • agent to agent assigned to another campaign and another (different) guided interaction.*
      *Both guided interactions must be from the same Program.

An overview on Transfers, including the steps necessary to set up the WorkFlow and other details not covered in this article can be found here


Log in to the SC ACD and navigate to the campaign that will be used.

To configure:

  1. From inside the selected campaign, click the Transfers tab:

  2. In the Campaign Transfer Options section, click the New Option button

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  3. Type in a Label- this will be the name of your transfer

  4. Click the Choose a Campaign dropdown and select from the same or other campaigns from within the current Program that you wish to transfer to

  5. Click the next dropdown to choose either Normal or Quiet

    • Normal (warm): Agent1 stays on the line and introduces customer to Agent2 before dropping (and they sometimes even all talk together for a while to make sure Agent2 can help).

    • Quiet: the Customer can not hear Agent2's phone ringing or answering. Customer is not able to listen in on the interaction between Agent1 and Agent2.

  6. Choose whether or not to Pause Recording during the transfer [defaulted off]

  7. You also have the option to Delete Campaign Transfer Options

  8. Always click Update to save any changesYou may also Clone the settings to a different program/campaign

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To set up other transfer options, see:
Configuring Destination Transfer Options
Configuring IVR Transfer Options
Configuring Agent To Agent Transfer Options

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