[TAS] Importing Directory Entries

[TAS] Importing Directory Entries

The content in this article is appropriate for: Administrators and Supervisors

In SC TAS, you can easily bulk upload multiple contacts using the Import Directories feature.

This article assumes that the account you are importing contacts for already exists.

This article covers:

  1. Log in to the SC ACD
     The easiest way is to type [yourcompanyname].singlecomm.com into a browser, then log in with your email address/password.

  2. Expand the TAS module options by clicking on TAS in the left-hand navigation bar

  3. Access your current TAS accounts by clicking Manage Existing Accounts

  4. Search or browse through the active accounts (clients) and click to select the one for which you would like to bulk import contacts



Download a Sample Directory File

CSV (comma separated value) files are used to import contacts in bulk. No other file types are supported. If you have existing data in XLS format, the file will need to be re-saved with a .csv extension before you can continue. The easiest way to start from scratch is by downloading, then editing a sample file directly from your TAS account:

  1. Click the Directory tab

  2. Then click the Import Directory button

    Screen Shot 2023-09-07 at 6.00.13 PM.png
  3. The Click here! button will download the .csv file to your hard drive.

    • When creating the sample file, it will pull any any contacts from the account's Directory and place the data into the proper rows and columns.

    • If the account does not have any contacts, it will simply download a blank spreadsheet with the column headers for you to reference.

      • This sample file has the column headers already filled out, and those should not be edited in any way.

      • You can add contacts into the sample file. The columns that are required will be discussed in the next section.

Preparing Your Directory File for Import

As mentioned in the previous section, your file should contain all 7 column headers:

  1. Account Number: This is the unique number assigned to the client during account creation and can be found on the Details tab.

    • When importing a file from within a Client, the Account Number field is optional and when not provided will use the current contact Id.

  2. Directory: [required] This is the Name that was used when creating the directory entry and can be found on the Directory tab.

  3. Channel: [required] This is the Contact Method (Email, Call, Text, or Fax) that was selected when creating the directory entry and can also be found on the Directory tab.

  4. Destination: [required] This is the email address/phone number/fax number that is connected to the contact method (channel) and can be found by clicking the Name on the Directory tab. 
    ⚠️The same formatting rules apply here as well. All phone numbers should be entered as a 10-digit numerical string with no dashes or parentheses.

  5. On Call Enabled: (Y/N) Indicates whether or not the contact has been enabled for on-call use. This setting can be viewed/modified on the Details tab.*

  6. On Call Order: Numerical value that indicates the order in which TAS will reach out to on-call contacts. This setting can also be viewed/modified on the Details tab.*

  7. On Call Delay: Numerical value that indicates time (in minutes) that TAS will wait before reaching out. This setting can also be viewed/modified on the Details tab.*


*The three On-Call fields are optional and if not provided, will assume to be disabled for On-Call use.

Once you have your directory and contacts added to your sample spreadsheet, make sure it is saved as a CSV file.


Import Your Directory File

Now that your csv file is configured and saved, it is ready to be imported.

  1. On the Directory tab, click Import Directory again

    Screen Shot 2023-09-07 at 6.00.13 PM.png
  2. This time, click the + button to browse for your csv file

  3. Click the Import button to begin the upload

    Screen Shot 2023-09-08 at 4.44.19 PM.png
  4. While your file is uploading, you will see a status message in the top right corner of your screen

  5. If your file has any errors, they will be listed here:

  6. Once the noted errors have been addressed on your spreadsheet, you can repeat the above steps to upload it again until no errors are detected.

  7. Click the Back button to return to your Directory tab

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  8. Here, you can verify that the new entries from your spreadsheet have been added to any existing directory entries.






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