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Creating a script for a lead generation campaign

This section will walk through creating a basic script for a lead generation-type campaign.

  1. Access CX Create
  2. Add Slides to the Script
  3. Connect the Slides
  4. Add Fields to the Slides
  5. Save the Script
  6. Preview the Script

To view a more complex script for a basic product ordering campaign, please see the section titled How-To: Create a Basic Selling Script.

1. Access CX Create

  • Click Scripts in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Click the  button

    The button will turn green when you hover your mouse over it. 


The New Script page loads:

  • Enter a Label for the script
    This is going to be the title of the script

    *This script is called SingleComm Basic Script.
    Having a useful naming convention for your scripts’ labels and descriptions can help you identify them more easily.


  • Optional Settings for Your Script
    • Enter a Description for the script
    • Choose a Tag for the script
      Tags must be pre-defined. Once you begin typing the name of an existing tag, you will be prompted to choose from what has already been created.*
      To create a new tag, please see the section titled Tags.
      *This feature is not yet implemented
    • Set Active flag
      Defaults to Yes.
      This ensures that the script appears in the Home>>Scripts list, and that it is set to Active.
      Changing the setting to No will mean that the Active Yes/No checkbox in the Home>>Scripts list will be deselected.
  • Click on the  button

You will receive a message if your script was created successfully.
Click OK to close the pop-up.

You will be taken directly to your script and prompted to add slides in the Graph Editor

Click on the Edit Script Graph button to access the Graph Editor.

2. Add Slides to the Script

  • Click on  and drag it over to the area on the right
    This is the beginning of the Script Graph.
    Click and drag two more slides to the graph.

*This sample script has 3 slides. Depending on the script's level of complexity, there may be more or less.

  • Rename each slide
    By default, all slides that are added to any script will be labeled "New Slide."

    • Double click the "New Slide" text at the top of slide 1
    • Type Welcome in the label text box
    • Click  to save the new slide label

    • Repeat this for the other 2 slides, naming them Caller Info and Goodbye.

  •  Optional settings for your slides
    • Add a description: 
      Click in the Enter a description... area and begin typing. Be sure to click the check mark when you are finished in order to save it.
    • Change the slide color: 
      Click on the slide's down arrow button (top right) to bring up a list of colors. Once you make a selection, it will save automatically.
    • Choose a new Start slide:
      By default, the first slide you add to the graph is designated as the Start slide. To change this on another slide, click its down arrow button and click on Start. There will only ever be one slide with this designation.

    • Move the slide on the graph:
      Click and drag the slide's 4-direction arrow (top left) to move it. 

3. Connect the Slides

To make the slides flow from one to the next during the call, they must be connected in the Graph Editor.

  • Locate theicon on the Welcome Slide
  • Click and drag from theicon to the top of the Caller Info slide
    This creates a branch.
    To view the conditions of the branch, place your cursor over it and click on it. To view a more complete set of rules and options about branching, please see the article titled Slide Branching.

*This branching condition indicates that the Welcome slide always flows to the Caller Info slide.

*The first two slides are now connected. The Welcome slide is first, and indicated by a Play icon(bottom right) and the Caller Info slide is last, as indicated by a Stop icon.

 Connect the Third Slide

  • Locate the icon on the Caller Info slide

  • Click and drag from the icon to the top of the Goodbye slide
    This creates a branch between the Caller Info slide and the Goodbye slide.

*All three slides are now connected. The Welcome slide is first, and indicated by a Play icon (bottom right) and the Goodbye slide is now last, as indicated by a Stop icon. On this and any script, slides in between will show a Link icon .


4. Add Fields to the Slides

For a complete list of all available fields and their descriptions, please see the section titled Fields.

  • Click on the wrench (top right, middle) to access the Welcome slide's settings
  • Click on the  button on the left
    This adds it to the slide. The Paragraph field is now visible on the right and can be edited.

  • Click the Paragraph field on the right
    This brings up the settings and editing area for the Paragraph. 

*The field that is selected for editing will appear outlined and shaded.

  • Re-label the field by highlighting the "Paragraph" text in the Label field and typing Opening Statement
    This will re-label the field to make it unique.
    You can also place the cursor in the field and delete the text first.

*It is recommended that you establish a naming convention for the fields within your scripts beforehand. This will provide consistency across the platform, and allow for easy identification of key items.

  • Highlight the default text in the Prompt area
    Type the following:  Thank you for calling in, I will be happy to send you a sample of our product. I just need to collect your contact information.

    This area utilizes a text editor and Rich Text Markdown to apply formatting. For styling tips and more information on the options this offers, please see the section titled Text Editor.

  • Click on the  button
    This will return you to the Graph Editor.

Add Fields to the Caller Info Slide

  • Click on the wrench (top right, middle)
  • On the left, click on the following buttons to add them:

  • Modify the settings of the Name field
    • Click the Name field on the right to view the settings
    • Re-label it Caller Name
    • Type the following text in the Prompt: May I please have your first and last name?

*As you type into the Prompt on the left, the updated text appears within the field on the right. For the Name field, the default placeholder text is first/given name and last/family name.

  • Modify the settings of the Text Input field
    • Click the Text Input field on the right to view the settings
    • Re-label it Caller Email (not required)
    • Type the following text in the Prompt: Would you like to provide your email address so that we can send you a survey?
    • Change the placeholder by deleting the default text and typing email.

*Text Input fields are automatically set to accept Free Text (letters, numbers, and special characters). You have the option of setting validation on the field so that it only accepts text in an approved email format. To do this, click on the Validity button.

*Choose the option for email from the dropdown menu under Pattern Matching. To learn more about Field validation options and pattern matching, please see the section titled Validity.

  •  Modify the settings of the Address field
    • Click the Address field on the right to view the settings
    • Re-label it Caller Address (required)
    • Type the following text in the Prompt: Thank you, now I just need to know where we can send your free product sample.

*The label of this Address field was amended to include the word "required," so that the agent will collect the information during the call. Any field in a script can also be assigned the Required setting, making it so that the agent will not be able to advance to the next slide without entering data into the specified field. To learn more about that option and how to use it, please see the section titled Field Settings.

  • Click on 


Add Fields to the Goodbye Slide

  • Click on the wrench (top right, middle)
  • Click on the Paragraph button on the left to add it
  • Modify the settings of the Paragraph field
    • Click on the Paragraph field on the right to view the settings
    • Re-label it Closing Statement
    • Type the following text in the Prompt: Thank you so much for calling us today, your free product sample should arrive in 1-2 weeks.
  • Click on 

5. Save the Script

  • Click  in the top right-hand corner of the Graph Editor
    • Clicking on  will also prompt you to save before exiting.

6. Preview the Script 

  • Click  in the left-hand navigation bar of the Graph Editor
    This will allow you to run through the script as the agent would see it when implemented into a Call Center system.

Welcome Slide

Shown on all slides in this script during Preview Mode:

  • Your script's title (SingleComm Basic Script)

Not shown on any slide in the script during Preview Mode:

  • Field Labels
    *Field Labels are used at the session level and will factor in during data collection and reporting.

Shown here:

  • Label for the script's first slide (Welcome)
  • Prompt text for the Welcome slide (Thank you for calling in...)

*The only field on this slide is a Paragraph field. The purpose is to show text that will be read by the agent. There is no input required on this slide. For a complete list of all available fields and their descriptions, please see the section titled Fields.

Things you can do on all slides in the script during Preview Mode:

  • Navigate through the script
    a)  moves backwards to the previous slide (unless on Slide 1)
    b) Scroll: move up and down within the slide
    c)  moves forward to the next slide (unless on final slide)
  • Close: click on the "X" to exit Preview Mode

Caller Info Slide

Shown here:

  • Label for this slide (Caller Info)
  • Caller Name field
    a) Prompt text (May I please have your first and last name?)
    b) Text boxes with placeholder text "first/given name" and "last/family name"
  • Caller Email (not required) field
    a) Prompt text (Would you like to provide your email...)
    b) Text box with custom placeholder text "email"
  • Caller Address (required) field
    a) Prompt text (Thank you, now I just need to know...)
    b) Text boxes with placeholder text "line 1," "line 2," "line 3," city/locality," "state/province," "zip/postal code," and "country"

*The country text box appears grayed out because the data is auto-filled by the software, depending on the zip code that is entered.

*At script creation, individual components of the Address field can be removed if not needed.

Goodbye Slide

Shown here: 

  • Label for this slide (Goodbye)
  • Prompt text for the Goodbye slide (Thank you so much for calling us today...)

Disposition Slide

Dispositioning always occurs last in a script. This slide was not one that was added in the Graph Editor during the script building phase, but appears at the end of every script automatically (unless Auto Dispositioning is set) so that the agent can record the outcome of the call. 

Dispositions and Disposition Groups must be pre-defined before they can be added to a script. For more information on how to do this, how to rearrange existing dispositions or disposition groups within a script, or to set Auto Dispositioning, please see the section titled Dispositions.

To download a copy of this script, simply save the attached file and import it into your Home>>Scripts list. Detailed instructions on importing and exporting can be found in the section titled Importing/Exporting a Script.

  • No labels


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