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Creating a script for a product ordering campaign

This section will walk through creating a basic script that utilizes the Cart.

  1. Build the Basic Script
  2. Add the Sticky Slide
  3. Configure the Cart
  4. Add a Payment Plan
  5. Configure the SKUs
  6. Preview the Script

If you are just starting out the scripting process and would like to view a simpler script, including step-by-step instructions for launching the script builder and adding slides, please see How-To: Create a Basic Lead Gen Script.

This script contains no advanced elements. 

1. Build the Basic Script

  • Create a new script

    *The script used here is called SingleComm Basic Selling Script.
  • In the Graph Editor, add four slides
    • Name them:
      a) Welcome
      b) Payment
      c) Address
      d) Thank You
    • Add custom colors to each
  • Connect the slides
    • Welcome --> Payment --> Address --> Thank You

  • Configure the Welcome slide
    • Text input
      • Label: First Name
      • Prompt: Hi, thanks for calling today. May I have your first name please?
    • Text input
      • Label: Phone Number
      • Prompt: Thank you, and just in case we get cut off- is there a phone number where I can call you back?
      • Placeholder: phone
      • Click on the Validity button and choose phone number from the dropdown menu under Pattern Matching.
        *For more information about Pattern Matching and Validation types, please see the section titled Validity.
    • Radios
      • Label: Product Choice
      • Prompt: Which item are you calling about today?
      • Choices: Rename the Values and Labels for Options 1-3 as Widget A, Widget B, and Widget C
    • Add the following fields, with the noted customization:

*The Label is what is shown to the agent during the call, and the Value is what is shown in the Session Details and in Reporting. Both fields have been renamed so that they match one another. To learn more about how to set up your scripts to report data, please see the sections titled 
Session Details and Reporting.

      • Paragraph
        • Label: Product Choice Verification
        • Prompt: That is a great choice. Just to confirm, the price of that item is ----- [Agent: please view CART on the right to get customer's pricing info.]

*Text color and background formatting have been applied here to alert the agent. To view some tips and tricks on using Rich Text formatting, please see the section titled Text Editor.

  • Configure the Payment slide
    • Paragraph
      • Label: Payment Paragraph
      • Prompt: How would you like to pay for that today? We accept Credit/Debit cards or Checks.
    • Credit/Debit Card
      • Label: no change
      • Prompt: Credit/Debit Card info:
    • Check
      • Label: no change
      • Prompt: Check info:
    • Add the following fields, with the noted customization:
  • Configure the Address slide
    • Name
      • Label: Full Name
      • Prompt: May I have your full name for shipping purposes?
    • Address
      • Label: no change
      • Prompt: May I please have your address?
    • Text input
      • Label: Email
      • Prompt: If you would like to receive coupons and our newsletter, please provide your email address.
      • Placeholder: email
      • Validity: Pattern Matching= email
    • Add the following fields, with the noted customization:
  • Configure the Thank You slide
    • Paragraph
      • Label: Closing Paragraph
      • Prompt: Thank you for your order, you should receive your item in approximately one week. Have a great day!
    • Add the following fields, with the noted customization:
  • Click the Save button on the Graph Editor to save your progress

2. Add the Sticky Slide

In the Graph Editor's left-hand navigation bar, click the Add Sticky button.

3. Configure the Cart

The Cart is commonly added and configured in the Sticky Slide. Anything placed within the Sticky Slide will be visible on the right-hand side of all slides throughout the script.

  • Click the Cart button to add it
    *Any field can be used within the Sticky Slide. For this example, we are only using the Cart.
  • Click the Cart field on the right to view the settings
    • Leave both the Label and the Prompt as-is.
    • Scroll down through the field settings until you see the dropdowns for Billing Fields and Shipping Fields.
      *This script was not set up to use separate Billing and Shipping addresses. To build a Cart with this feature, please see the section titled How-To: Create an Advanced Selling Script.

    • Click inside the Billing name text box and choose the only option in the dropdown list (Full Name).
    • Click inside the Shipping name text box and do the same.
      *The Cart is designed to pull information and place it into the virtual shopping cart during the call. For the data to be accurate, you must first tell it what fields to pull from. In this script, the only Name field present was the one titled "Full Name." If there were multiple name/address fields in the script, you would see those options in the dropdown list.
    • Repeat this for the Billing address and Shipping address fields, choosing the only option given (Address).
  • Scroll down to view the rest of the Cart field options

    *The cart in this script will utilize only SKUs and Payment Plans. Both of these features need to be configured successfully in order to add items for sale.

4. Add a Payment Plan

    • Click on Add plan (this must be done before SKUs can be assigned).

*This script is using only the default 1-Pay payment plan. To view details and settings for other payment plan options, including foreign currency and active conditions, please see Payment Plans.

    • Click on Create to add the default 1-Pay (USD) payment plan.

      *The 1-Pay (USD) payment plan now appears in the Cart field settings and the message "Please add a payment plan to create SKUs" is now an Add SKU button.

5. Configure the SKUs

  • Create the first SKU
    • SKU settings
      • This is what will appear inside the Cart
      • This setting allows for the agent to adjust the SKU quantity from inside the script so that multiples of the same SKU may be purchased.
        *In order for this feature to execute properly, you must mirror a number field to the SKU's quantity. But because the Quantity Default and Quantity Maximum values both = 1 for all SKUs in this script, this feature will not be active.
      • This setting would allow the agent to adjust the SKU quantity from inside the cart rather than in the script, once it has been selected.
      • You must set conditions for every SKU
      • Click the dropdown to view/set the SKU's active conditions
      • Label: Widget A
      • Manually Adjustable Quantity?: leave as default (checked)
      • Quantity Controls in Cart?: leave as default (unchecked)
      • Active Conditions:
    • Click on Add SKU

    • Make the following modifications:

          • Because we want Widget A to be added to the shopping cart when it is selected from theProduct Choice Radio buttons on the Welcome slide, the SKU must be set to:
            • All of the following
            • If Product Choice 
            • is
            • Widget A

*This script uses Radio buttons to indicate product choice, meaning that only one item can be selected. Checkboxes are another option and allow a caller and the agent to choose a combination of items on each call, resulting in more complex conditioning.

      • Plan settings
        • Code: W-A
          • This will appear inside the cart and the session details.
        • Price: 20
          • This is the base price.
          • Can also be written as "20.00," "$20," or "$20.00"
        • Shipping & Handling: 5
        • Payments: 25
          • You must manually add up the Price + Shipping & Handling and enter it here.
        • Taxable: leave as default (No)
          • If you choose to assign sales tax, the software will use the tax percentage that is assigned to the shipping address's Tax Jurisdiction.
        • Quantity Settings: leave as default
          • Maximum (1)
          • Default (1)
            *Adjusting these values would allows for callers to buy multiples of the same SKU. To learn about setting this up and how the quantity can be adjusted, please see the section titled SKUs.
          • Conditions: leave as default (inactive)
            This button becomes active when the Maximum is set to a quantity larger than 1.

    • Click Update to save the SKU.

      *The "eye" next to Widget A indicates that visibility conditions have now been set on that SKU. It will not appear in the Cart unless a specific set of actions is taken by the agent (in this case, the agent must select the "Widget A" option in the "Product Choice" Radios field).
  • Create the remaining SKUs
    • SKU settings
      • All of the following
      • If Product Choice
      • is
      • Widget B
      • Label: Widget B
      • Manually Adjustable Quantity?: leave as default (checked)
      • Quantity Controls in Cart?: leave as default (unchecked)
      • Active Conditions:
    • Plan settings
      • Maximum (1)
      • Default (1)
      • Code: W-B
      • Price: 30
      • Shipping & Handling: 5
      • Payments: 35
      • Taxable: leave as default (No)
      • Quantity Settings: leave as default
    • SKU settings
      • All of the following
      • If Product Choice
      • is
      • Widget C
      • Label: Widget C
      • Manually Adjustable Quantity?: leave as default (checked)
      • Quantity Controls in Cart?: leave as default (unchecked)
      • Active Conditions:
    • Plan settings
      • Maximum (1)
      • Default (1)
      • Code: W-C
      • Price: 40
      • Shipping & Handling: 5
      • Payments: 45
      • Taxable: leave as default (No)
      • Quantity Settings: leave as default
    • Click on Add SKU
    • Repeat the above step, making the following changes for the second SKU:
    • Click Update to save
    • Repeat the above step again, making the following changes for the third SKU:
    • Click Update
    • All three SKUs now appear in the CART settings
    • Click on Create to complete the Sticky Slide
    • On the Graph Editor, click Save

*Because the Sticky Slide now had fields added to it, the Add Sticky button has been changed to read Configure Sticky.

6. Preview the Script

  • Click Launch Preview

Welcome Slide

Shown on all slides in this script during Preview Mode:

  • Script's title (SingleComm Basic Selling Script)
  • Sticky Slide 

    *The Sticky Slide can be renamed by clicking on Configure Sticky, and overwriting the default label on theSlide Settings tab.
  • Back, Next, and Close buttons

Shown here:

  • Slide Label (Welcome)
  • First Name field [Text input]
  • Phone field [Text input]
  • Product Choice field [Radios]
  • Product Choice Verification field [Paragraph]

*Notice that as you choose an option from the Product Choice field, the Cart updates with the related SKU and if you change options—the SKU code, description, and price are updated automatically.

Walk through the script, typing in the text boxes as if you were an agent gathering information from a caller.

Payment Slide

*In this case, the caller has chosen to pay by credit card, so the Check fields are left blank during the call.

*The SKU and pricing information that were added on the previous slide have carried over and remain in the Cart.

Shown here:

  • Payment Paragraph field [Paragraph]
  • Credit/Debit card field
  • Check field

Address Slide

*As the name and address are filled out in the text fields, the information will also appear within the Billing Info and Shipping Info areas inside the Cart.

*The data from the First Name field on the Welcome slide has not been carried over. This is because the fields have not been mirrored.

Shown here:

  • Full Name field 
  • Address field
  • Email field [Text input]

Thank You Slide

Shown here:

  • Closing Paragraph field [Paragraph]

Disposition Slide

*The Cart is shown on every slide in the script, including the Disposition slide.

Dispositions and Disposition Groups must be pre-defined before they can be added to a script. For more information on how to do this, how to rearrange existing dispositions or disposition groups within a script, or to set Auto Dispositioning, please see the section titled Dispositions.

To download a copy of this script, simply save the attached file and import it into your Home>>Scripts list. Detailed instructions on importing and exporting can be found in the section titled Importing/Exporting a Script.

  • No labels


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