This Outbound Lists allows you to view the lists of leads for Programs and Campaigns. You can edit the settings for how each list is managed.
Security: Only users with the supervisor role can access this section.
Outbound Lists:
If there is a list of leads associated with an Outbound Campaign you can find it here.
Edit button to allows you to change information about the list selected.
- Name - Name of the list.
- Campaign - The Campaign the list is associated with.
- Scheduled Scrubbing - Enable auto-scrubbing at 6 am for leads that have not already been scrubbed.
- Typically, leads are scrubbed when they are uploaded, so this normally is not required
- Send alerts when there are no available leads - Set alerts for low available lead count
- Send alerts when running low on leads - Set alerts for low lead count
- Sorting
- Normal - Dial newest leads first
- Catch up - Dial oldest leads first
- Contact Status - Select New or other
- DNC Statuses - Select the DNC statuses to apply
- Observe DNC Calling Window - Do you want to dial within the hours determined by DNC
- Country - The Country associated with the leads.
- Caller ID - The number that shows up on leads Caller ID.
- Include Touched Leads - Select if you want this list to include touched leads.
- Maximum Touch Limit - Control the number of times any one lead can be dialed.
- Days Between Dials - Control the number of days before a lead can be dialed again.
- Minimum Dialable Leads - Set the lowest number of available scrubbed leads.
- If number dips below the minimum value, numbers will be scrubbed again even if they have been scrubbed previously
- Maximum accepted value is 50, which scrubs 150 leads
- Minimum Lead Age - Determine how new the newest lead is that is included in this list.
- Maximum Lead Age - Determine how old the oldest lead is that is included in this list.
- Associate Leads with Agents - Determine if you want each lead to be associated with an agent.
- Suspended - Select whether this list should be active or not.
Preview Leads:
Preview Leads shows you the specific list of leads with more information.
- Phone # - Telephone number on the lead.
- First Name - The First Name on the lead.
- Last Name - The List Name on the Lead.
- Timezone - The Timezone of the lead.
- List Calls - How many times the lead was dialed out of this list.
- All Calls - How many time the lead has been called.
- Today Calls - How many times the leads was dialed today.