As mentioned, there is nothing available in the CX Route embed that is not available on the CX Explore platform, however there are actions and features on the platform that may not be accessible while logged in through CX Route.
For more details about the standard reports listed below, please refer to the article on Standard Dashboards.
AnchorViewing Viewing
Viewing a Report
Viewing | |
Viewing |
- Dropdown list to browse for other available reports
*This list will be comprised of all 6 standard dashboards plus the individual looks that they are made from and any other looks that you have saved in your personal or shared space. - Title of report that is currently being displayed
- List of filters in use on the current report
*Click to expand/view/modify the list of filters. Changes can be made and the report can be run again, but changes here will not be saved. - Timestamp showing last time the report pulled data for the current report
- Time zone
*Click the dropdown to change the time zone. American time zones are listed first, followed by world time zones in alphabetical order. - Settings button
- Download as PDF
- Download a snapshot of the on-screen data as a PDF, or Single Column PDF
- Open in Browser to view the PDF before saving
Are you trying to download all of the data from a Look? This option only captures what is shown on the screen. If your report contains tables that require you to scroll down, the data that is not displayed will NOT be included in the PDF. To save all of the reported data, it is advised that you use the Download Data option (below) on the individual looks instead.
- Schedule*
- Set the filters, destination, format, etc. of a scheduled report
*Schedule feature from CX Route is only available to Super Users.
For more information, including a step-by-step on creating a scheduled report, click here.
- Set the filters, destination, format, etc. of a scheduled report
- Download as PDF
7. Run button
8. More Options menu [available for each individual look contained within the report]
*Hover your mouse in the top right corner of the look to make the button appear, then click it to access the following options:
- Explore From Here
- View the look setup via explores. For more information on explores and analyzing data, click here.
- Download Data
- Save the data from this look. For more information on downloading, click here.