A Work Queue determines which calls are selected for auditing and who can review them.
- Create a New Work Queue
- Edit a Work Queue
- Clone a Work Queue
In the left-hand navigation bar, click Work Queues (under Quality Assurance)

*Only Supervisors with the QA/QA Managers group role have access to Work Queues.
For an overview on the Quality Assurance feature and the Supervisor role, click here.
1. Create a New Work Queue
- Click + New Work Queue

Work Queue Details
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- Name: title of the work queue
- Minimum Coverage (percentage): percentage of calls from the selected program that are eligible for auditing
- Suspended: (Yes/No) enable/disable a work queue
- Work Queues can not be deleted, so to deactivate it, set to Suspend=Yes
*A suspended queue will appear as N/A in the Actions column

- Budget Enabled: (Yes/No) enable budgeting for the queue
IF YES:- Budget Cost per Call: dollar amount designated to each individual call audit
- Budget Target Expenditure: total dollar amount designated for all call audits in the queue
- Budget Start Date / Budget End Date: click to enter mm/dd/yyyy or choose a date from the calendar

*If budget is set, the work queue will automatically Suspend if either of the following conditions are reached:- Budget Target Expenditure
- Budget End Date
- Max Calls/Agent: the maximum number of calls from an individual agent that will be added to the work queue
- (0 - No Cap): no limit is set on the number of calls per agent that will be added to the queue
- Questionnaire Override: assign a custom questionnaire to the work queue
- By default, the 17-question SingleComm Questionnaire is assigned to every program
- Questionnaires can not be changed once work queue is created (questionnaire change requires a new or cloned queue)
- Only active-status Questionnaires can be added
*For more information and step-by-step instructions on creating a custom questionnaire, click here.

- Start Date / End Date: when the calls took place
- mm/dd/yyyy or click the field choose a date from the calendar

End Date can be left blank if not required. The work queue will remain active until manually suspended by a supervisor.
- Minimum Call Length (in seconds): shortest call time acceptable to be selected for the queue
- Maximum Call Length (in seconds): longest call time acceptable to be selected for the queue
- Criteria: at least one of these must be assigned
Click to select or CTRL + Click to select multiple
- Programs
- Campaigns
- Agents
- Dispositions
Click Update to save configuration.

Auditor Assignment
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All users in the Internal Auditors Group will appear in this list. To assign an agent/auditor to the work queue, assign a Weight of 1-100 (0=Unassigned).
Click Update once all auditors have been assigned.

2. Edit a Work Queue
From the Work Queue Management page:
- Click the number of the Work Queue you wish to make changes to:

- Click Update once all changes have been made
- A Congratulations message will appear briefly in the top right to indicate a successful update

3. Clone a Work Queue
From the Work Queue Management page:
*The data from completed internal audits is available in CX Explore. For more details , click here.