CX Create allows for SKUs to be configured during the script building process either individually, or by using a bulk upload feature. Conversely, once SKUs exist inside the Cart, they can also be exported in batches.
For more information about adding and configuring single SKUs, please see How-To: Create a Basic Selling Script.
This article will cover:
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1. Creating a SKU Upload File
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Bulk SKU uploads must be done using a .csv (comma-separated values) file.
CX Create requires the spreadsheet to be formatted in a specific order and any deviation may result in incorrect configuration or data loss.
To create a SKU spreadsheet from scratch:
- Start with a blank spreadsheet
- Add the following columns (using Line 1 to enter the column heading):
- Label
- SKU Code
- Payment Count
- Unit Price
- Shipping
- Total
- Payment1
- Payment2
- Payment3
- Payment4
*CX Create currently supports Pay Plans of up to 16 payments. Additional columns should be added to the spreadsheet accordingly and in numerical order. Columns that are labeled properly but left blank will have no adverse effect. - Unit Price
- Tax
- Shipping Tax
- Currency
- Max Quantity
Using Microsoft Excel? Simply convert your .xls file by clicking on File> Save As> Comma Delimited (.csv) as the file format.
Google Sheets users can click on File> Download As> Comma- Separated Values (.csv)
A script directive might show the following:
-123A (Widget A)\ max-5 per caller\ $100\ $10 shipping\ 1-pay, 2-pay\ price plus ship taxable
-123B (Widget B)\ max-5 per caller\ $200\ $10 shipping\ 1-pay, 2-pay\ price plus ship taxable
Canada SKU:
-123C (Widget C)\ max-10 per caller\$200\ free ship\ 1-pay, 2-pay\ no tax
The above SKU directive sample would be added to the spreadsheet as follows:
Label | SKU Code | Payment Count | Unit Price | Shipping | Total | Payment1 | Payment2 | Unit Price Tax | Shipping Tax | Currency | Max Quantity |
Widget A | 123A | 1 | 100 | 10 | 110 | 110 | 0 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget A | 123A | 2 | 100 | 10 | 110 | 55 | 55 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget B | 123B | 1 | 200 | 10 | 210 | 210 | 0 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget B | 123B | 2 | 200 | 10 | 210 | 105 | 105 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget C | 123C | 1 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 0 | N | N | CAD | 10 | |
Widget C | 123C | 2 | 200 | 200 | 100 | 100 | N | N | CAD | 10 |
- Payment Count is the number of payments.CX Create currently supports 1-16.
- There are only 2 pay plans supported here so the other Payment columns have been removed.
- All other columns should remain intact, even if they are blank.
- Spreadsheet programs may strip decimal places (as above). If 100.00 is entered, it will convert to 100. CX Create recognizes both formats.
- Some cells are left blank, and others display a zero. Both are acceptable.
- "$" is not a supported character and dollar amounts should be entered without the symbol.
- Unit Price Tax/ Shipping Tax- this is representative of the Taxable radio buttons in the SKU setup. Tax amounts are NOT entered here, only Y/N.
- Only the 3-digit alpha code is supported in the Currency column. Click here to see an up-to-date list.
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2. Importing SKUs
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To import the spreadsheet into the Cart:
- Open the Sticky Slide and view the Cart settings
- Click on the Import SKUs button
*Notice that you DO NOT have to have any Payment plans configured. The import process will create them for you. - Browse to the location of the SKU spreadsheet
- Click Open to add it to the Cart
*Payment Plans are created for 1-Pay and 2-Pay, in both USD and CAD, and all three SKU labels are listed. - Click Create\Update to save
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3. Configuring Uploaded Payment Plans and SKUs
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Once the spreadsheet is added to the Cart, there may be further configuration required.
Payment Plans:
- Click on 1-Pay (CAD)
*All Payment Plans default to Always and cannot be changed by the spreadsheet- Add any Active conditions
- Click Update to save and close the pop-up
- Add any Active conditions
- Repeat the above steps to add Active conditions for the remaining payment plans
*Additional payment plans can be added by clicking the Add Plan button
- Click on Widget A
*Widget A SKU settings will, by default, open to the the first payment plan in the list, which is 1-Pay (CAD). Because Widget A is a USD SKU, select the 1-Pay (USD) plan from the dropdown list.
Settings for the SKU that were imported from the spreadsheet include:- Label: Widget A
- Select a plan to edit: 1-Pay (USD)
- Code: 123A
- Price: 100
- Tax (price, s&h): Unit Price Tax, Shipping Tax
- Payments: 110
- Maximum Quantity: 5
- As with the payment plans, the Active conditions default to Always.
- Click the dropdown to assign SKU conditions
- Click Update to save and close the pop-up
- Repeat the above steps to add Active conditions for the remaining SKUs
- Other settings that can be configured at this time include Quantity controls in cart, Quantity conditions, and Default quantity
- Any of the settings that were imported by the spreadsheet can also be modified
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4. Exporting SKUs
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To export SKUs from the Cart into a spreadsheet:
- Open the Sticky Slide and view the Cart settings
- Click on the Export SKUs button
- A .csv file will be automatically downloaded using the naming convention SKUS-script name-Cart.csv
- Browse to your download location and double click the file to open it
Label | SKU Code | Payment Count | Unit Price | Shipping | Total | Payment1 | Payment2 | Unit Price Tax | Shipping Tax | Currency | Max Quantity |
Widget A | 123A | 1 | 100 | 10 | 110 | 110 | 0 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget A | 123A | 2 | 100 | 10 | 110 | 55 | 55 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget B | 123B | 1 | 200 | 10 | 210 | 210 | 0 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget B | 123B | 2 | 200 | 10 | 210 | 105 | 105 | Y | Y | USD | 5 |
Widget C | 123C | 1 | 200 | 0 | 200 | 200 | 0 | N | N | CAD | 10 |
Widget C | 123C | 2 | 200 | 0 | 200 | 100 | 100 | N | N | CAD | 10 |
*The export file looks nearly identical to the import SKU file, with the exception of the blank spaces on the import that have been populated with zeroes on the export.