Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Please Note:This feature is currently still being developed and  may not be fully implemented on every cluster. Please contact your Account Executive if you would like to learn more.


    • Access the Dialer by entering the client-specific URL into a browser
    • Click Log In
    • Enter in the Username (Authentication Username) and the Password (Authentication Password)

    Create the Module

    • Click the Modules dropdown, then Survey/IVR

      • Click Add to create a new module

    • Type in a Name and Description for the module
    • Click Save
    • Click Add Section

    • On the Add Section pop-up:

      • Section type: CALL TRANSFER*
        *No other section types are supported at this time
         This modal must be filled out to these exact specifications.
      • Section title: this field is required but is not being used for call transfer use cases, because of this- you must enter ONLY a period in this field. 
      • Audio file: leave as-is [---]
      • Phone Number/SIP URI: populate the field as follows
        • (DID of Inbound CX Route campaign)@(client cluster)
          *DID number MUST lead with a "+1"
      • Confirm script: leave blank
      • Confirm keyleave as-is [---]
      • Completed: leave as-is [OFF]
      • Click Update to save and close the pop-up
    • The Survey/IVR will now display 

      • An audio file 0:00/0:00 will display although NO audio file is in use
      • Branching / Goto should be left as-is [hangup]
    • Click Close Survey to exit the Survey/IVR (the module is now complete)

  • You should not attempt to edit the Survey/IVR for a campaign that is STARTED or RUNNING, the changes will not take effect.
    If you Clone a campaign, it will copy the original Survey/IVR, therefore it is suggested that a new campaign be created.

  • Anchor
    Create the Phonebook

    • Click Contact, then Phonebooks* to be taken to al list of current phonebooks, then click Add to create a new phonebook

      *This is also where you will go to upload/add additional numbers to an existing phonebook

    • Add a phonebook Name and Description
    • Click Save to exit the pop-up and import your leads

    • Leads can be uploaded in bulk, or singly. To upload a list:
      • Click Import Contacts
      • Verify that the phonebook your just created is listed in the dropdown
      • Click Next

      • Contacts can be pasted into the text box, or click Browse file (preferred method) to upload a CSV or TXT file with your lead list
        The dialer supports the uploading of sheets with data in any number of fields/ columns, and in any order.

        The fields that you import can be modified in the Administration Options of the Admin and Manager accounts. 

      • Advanced options are not supported at this time
      • Click Import

    • Data from the sheet will be imported, and depending on the number of columns, you will be prompted to match that data to the options in the dialer:

      • The above example had 3 columns: number, name, zip code 
      • Click the Belongs to dropdown and choose from the following:
      • Click Finish importing contact

     Note the formatting options.
    Phone numbers can be formatted as follows:

    • (XXX) XXX-XXXX

    If the phone numbers being uploaded are international, they should lead with a + sign


    Create the DNC

    • Click the Modules dropdown, then Do Not Call (DNC)

    • The DNC will be uploaded via individual entries or from a CSV file using the same steps as the phonebook
    • The DNC can also be set up to include entire area codes. This can be done by Product Support in the Dialer config.

       The DNC does not update automatically. Routine manual updates are suggested, or the campaign can be configured using integrations to update via designated script dispositions. For more information, click here.

  • Anchor
    Create the Caller IDs

    • Click the Modules dropdown, then CallerIDs

    • If using Caller ID Groups:
      • Click CallerID Group on the left

      • On the Add CallerID Group page:

        • Name
        • Description [optional]
      • Click Save to add the Caller ID Group 
      • Once the Group is saved, a Wild Card CallerID entry will be created:

        • Caller ID Groups will attempt to use an area code that is the same as the area code of the Contact. 
        • If there is no matching area code in the Caller ID Group, the number displayed will be the wildcard (number with the * in its area code)
    • If using Caller ID Numbers:
      • Click CallerID on the left

      • On the Add CallerID page:

        • CallerID Group: click to add it to a Group (if applicable)
        • Area Code: must be entered with a leading "+1" as shown
        • Caller ID Number
        • Caller Name
      • Click Save to add the Caller ID Number

  • Anchor
    Create the Campaign

     Each server can contain a maximum of 25 campaigns/phonebooks. 
    If you require an increase to this limit, please ask your Account Executive.

    • Click the Campaign dropdown, then Voice Campaign

    • Click Add

    • On the General Settings tab:

      • Campaign name: enter the name for your dialer campaign
      • Application: click the dropdown and choose the Survey/IVR from the Module that was created previously
      • Caller ID Number: enter the number that will appear on caller ID (this can be any number, does not have to be a valid phone number or the DID but is advised that you use a number that the receiver can call you back on)
        *This number should be entered with NO FORMATTING and without a "1" in front. For example: 8884644698
        It should be noted that if you list the DID and the consumer returns the call, it will come into CX Route as an incoming call but will show as INVALID_CODE in CX Explore: Predictive Dial/Hangup Code. This is expected functionality since the call was not dialed by the PD. For more information on viewing PD data in CX Explore, click here.

      • Caller Name: this field is dependent on carrier settings and may or may not display 
        • Caller ID Group: when selected, this will override the Caller ID Number
          (it is advised to use a Caller ID Number instead of this option)

      • DNCList: click the dropdown and choose the DNC that was created in the previous step
      • Phonebook: click the dropdown and choose the Phonebook that was created previously 
        • You can also ctrl+click to select multiple phonebooks
    • Click Update to save the campaign settings so far
      Once you click Update, the only fields on this tab that can be modified are Caller ID Number, Caller Name, and Caller ID Group.
      If you want/need to change any of the other components after this tab has been updated, a new campaign will need to be created.

    • On the Dialer tab:

      • A-leg Gateway:defaults to VoxTeleSys (the only supported gateway at this time)
      • Frequency: number of outgoing dials per minute
        *This should always be set to 10
      • Max concurrent call: number of concurrent outgoing dials that can be handled by the server
        *This should always be set to 50
      • Max concurrent transfer (Max available agents): number of agents available to take calls
        *This should be left at the default value and not surpass the number of agents that are assigned to this dialer campaign, given that agents can only be assigned to one dialer campaign at a time. CX Route will adjust this number based on the amount of dedicated available agents.
      • Dialing method: should always be set to Power Dialer
      • Dial rate: number of calls made per available agent
        *A rate of 3 means that if 1 agent is available, 3 dials will be made. If 2 of those dials are answered, one is transferred to the agent and the other is transferred to the queue. 
    • Click Save to save the settings

    • On the Retry tab:

      • Max retries: number of times the lead will be redialed* during the lifetime of the campaign.
        *Leads are eligible for retries if there is no answer, or if a human voice is not detected on the other end.
         What about voicemail/answering machines that sound like a human voice?
        This can happen when using voicemail detection (enabled in the next step). The dialer listens for 1-3 words (detects as human) or more than 3 words (detects as voicemail) and if it incorrectly determines that the recorded outgoing message is a human, the call will be transferred to a live agent and the number will not be retried.
      • Time between retries: Minimum amount of time (in seconds) between retries. If the dialer is still cycling through other numbers, it will dial retries only after all other leads have been exhausted.
      • Call completion: [currently not supported]
    • Click Save

    • On the Voicemail tab:

      • Voicemail detection: on/off*
        *It is advised that you work with your Account Executive to configure VM detection for your specific call scenarios.

         The settings on this tab cannot be changed once they are saved.

    • On the Schedule tab:
      All campaigns default to all 7 days enabled, end time of 24 hours from the time of creation, start time of midnight, end time of 11:59 pm, and time zone dialing off.
      • Week Days: toggle individual days on/off
      • Start: campaign start date
      • Finish: campaign ending date
      • Daily start time*: time at which dialer will begin making calls if agents are available
      • Daily stop time: time at which dialer will stop making calls for the day
        *Dialer uses a 24-hour clock, Eastern Time Zone!
      • Timezone Dialing: (on/off) When enabled, dialer will use the contact's area code to ensure they are within the daily start and stop times.
    • Click Update to save these settings

    A note about call time compliance:
    Dialer campaigns will make calls in between the start and end times that are set when the campaign is created. The dialer does not take into account any state that may have rules that vary their allowable call times. It is up to the person who creates the campaign to set start/finish parameters in line with the calling rules of the areas they will be contacting.

  • If you have Timezone Dialing enabled: the dialer will continue to place calls based on the contact's TZ. This could mean that calls are being placed outside of the start/end time which is based on the server's TZ. If your campaign ends at 9pm Eastern time, but contacts are located on the west coast, dials will continue until 9pm Pacific time.


Campaigns can be set up to automatically add contact information to the campaign's DNC, triggered by a specified DNC disposition at the end of a call. This must be set up by an administrator. More information is available in the article located here.

*A campaign's DNC can also include entire area codes. This configuration must be requested from your SingleComm Account Executive.
