Please Note: This feature is currently still being developed and may not be fully implemented on every cluster. Please contact your Account Executive if you would like to learn more.
How to use all of the features available on the Screen Capture platform (for administrators and supervisors).
For more information on logging in, setting up the feature, and creating users, see the article titled Configuring Screen Capture.
- Home
- QC Dashboard
- Call Listing
- Customer Log
- Reports
- Client Hearbeats
- Quality Control
- Settings
- Matching Calls from Screen Capture to CX Explore
The Screen Capture feature can be accessed from within the ACD by clicking Quality Assurance/Screen Capture in the left-hand navigation bar.
It is also located at the following URL for all clients:
1. Home
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Once you are logged in, you are taken to the Screen Capture landing page:

- Enabled by default, users are directed to this home page at login
- If deselected, users will be directed to the Call Listing page at login
2. QC Dashboard
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This page and the following pages can be reached by clicking the icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

*For more information on creating evaluation forms and performing Quality Control, click here.
Not seeing the expected data here? Try adjusting the filter.
At the bottom of the page you can Show Call ID, and also click the dropdown to select a specific agent, or choose to show QC from All users.

3. Call Listing
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Select details for all calls are located here.

- Press Play to listen to the audio of the selected call
- call entries can either be highlighted

or selected via their checkbox

- View additional call information

*The information displayed here is related to the Screen Capture platform. Not all fields are available for all calls. Utilizing the Report issues with call button does not relay your comments to SingleComm, but to the third party that hosts the site.
- Search the call list- the listing of all calls can be filtered by the following parameters:
- Time frame
- Today
- This Week
- Last Week
- This Month [default]
- This Month to Date
- Last Month
- This Year
- This Year to Date
- Last Year
- Extension
- Agent
- Number
- This is the Customer's phone number
- Access the Call Details
This is where the screenshots for the Screen Capture are stored!

- All details available will be displayed on this page, including:
- Agent info
- Call timestamp/ duration
- Call audio
- Press PLAY or click anywhere within the Call Playback
- Any associated screenshots
- Screenshots are captured every 15 seconds and displayed to the right of the Call Playback
- Click the screenshot to enlarge it and view its details

- Quality Control
*for more information on QC, click here.
- *Calls with designated "Private" slides (either by default or slide setting) will be blocked out for PCI Compliance. NO SCREENSHOTS will be available while the audio and screen recordings are paused.

This is also where you can share calls!
- From the menu bar across the top of the page, click Share

- Fill out the Share Call page, selecting any options you wish to include

- Click Share to send the email with the link to access the call
- Play call audio
- Filter by Call Type
*At this time, the only call type supported is Voice - Filter by Start Time
- Filter by Call Duration
- Filter by Extension (Agent_ID)
- Filter by Agent (Agent_Name)
- Filter by Customer Phone Number
- Filter by/add Flag status
- click to enable/disable flag
- Filter by QC Value
- Calls that have been evaluated will appear with a check mark

- Filter by/add Call Notes

- Filter by Call Direction
- Incoming

- Outgoing

- Download an MP3 of the call audio
- Perform bulk actions on selected calls:
- download audio
- delete
- download XLSX Call Listing Export
- Show pending calls
- Edit columns

The Client Ref column is the equivalent of the Calls\ID in CX Explore!
If you wish to view the calls in CX Explore, the Client Ref will come in handy. Add it to Visible Columns by dragging it to the right. See section 9 for details on how to cross reference the calls.
4. Customer Log
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Listing of all user actions on the platform. Columns can be sorted by clicking the column header or filtered by clicking the button to the right of the header.

- Date of event
- Log Type of event
- Canceled Call
- Created
- Deleted
- Downloaded
- Emailed
- Logged In
- Logged Out
- Played
- Share Accessed
- Shared
- Stopped Call
- Updated
- User Name (Agent_Name)
- Details- event type followed by Screen Capture-generated UserID (not Agent_ID)
5. Reports
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A limited set of reports can be created from within Screen Capture.
- As you narrow the selections for your report, other options will appear

- Once all parameters have been assigned, the Generate Report button will activate

- Click it and your report will display

- From here you can:
- Create New Report
Reports are not saved.
Once you exit the report, it has to be rebuilt if you wish to view it again. - Download PDF
- Print Report
6. Client Heartbeats
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Shows all of the Sites that have been created under your client account.
*For more information on creating separate sites, click here.

7. Quality Control
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This is where evaluation forms are created/edited/reviewed.

*For more information on the QC process, and step-by-step for creating a new evaluation form, click here.
8. Settings
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This page is broken out into numerous sections. As most of the options are managed for you via your SingleComm Account Executive, only select items will be detailed here.

- Ip WhiteList
- List of IP Addresses that are prevented from logging in to the platform
9. Matching Calls from Screen Capture to CX Explore
If, after reviewing the audio/visual aspects of a call within Screen Capture, you would like more data, you can cross reference it in CX Explore.
*Screenshots are not accessible from within CX Explore.