Step-by-step instructions for creating and configuring the components necessary for managing phone numbers*
The complete end to end process is made up of the following steps:
*This article assumes that the previous steps have already been completed.
The following article covers-
Number Management
*Please be advised that the creation/maintenance of Number Groups is only for Inbound campaigns, or Outbound campaigns that have Followup or Callback capabilities. This step is not required for Outbound Only campaigns.
Anchor Number Number
Create the Number Group:
Number | |
Number |
- Click # Numbers in the left-hand navigation bar
- Click Number Groups
- Click Update to save the Number Group Details
- On the SingleComm Scripts tab:
- Click the Choose an Integration dropdown and select the scripting cluster you are using
(this will populate the Deployment list) - Click the Deployment dropdown and select the CommFlow that is being used
- Effective From/Effective Through: [defaults to 00:00:00/23:59:59 (always)] this allows for the Number Group to be active for a set amount of time
- Actions: once you click Update, this column will populate, allowing you to Edit/Delete
- Click the Choose an Integration dropdown and select the scripting cluster you are using
- Click Update to save the SingleComm Scripts
Anchor Phone Phone
Assign a Phone Number:
Phone | |
Phone |
- Click # Numbers in the left-hand navigation bar
- Click Numbers
Numbers can not be assigned to more than one campaign!
Before choosing a phone number, make sure it is currently not in use by any other campaign.
- Browse to an unused number
^^^The above image shows unused numbers, all with the name "Spare" to indicate they are not in use. A naming convention like this is helpful when numbers are decommissioned and ready to be reused. - Click the blue button in the Number column
- On the Number Details tab:
- Phone Number
- Name: rename the number to match with the Program/Campaign you are assigning it to
- Program: click the dropdown to select the name of the program you just created
- Group: click the dropdown to select the name of the Number Group you created in theprevious step
- Description [optional]
- Suspended: [defaults to No] leave as-is, this option is used to take the phone number out of service
The other attributes available on the Details tab of the campaign are optional and will not be covered in this article. For more information on anything from this tab or for more ways to specialize a campaign, see the other articles in our Help Center or contact your AE
- Click Update to save the Number Details