Complete list of fields and the settings associated with them
This section will list all of the current field options available in CX Create.
1. Common Settings
These settings are available across multiple fields. While each of these is customizable and unique to the field they are assigned to, the functionality is consistent.
- Label: The field's default name (which can be modified)
It is always recommended that fields be re-labeled when added to a script. This ensures that they are easily identifiable, and will prevent issues with field mapping during the CommFlow creation process. - Standard Field: Dropdown for the field's Standard/Custom-Standard/Non-Standard designation. (Defaults to Non-Standard)
*For more information on Standard Fields, click here. - Prompt: This is the text that will be displayed at the top of the field. The prompt area may be blank, or it may display default text (examples of which will be indicated below in the the respective fields). In all cases, the Prompt area is customizable using standard Text Editor options.
*A detailed breakdown of those options is available here. - On slide back: Available on select-type fields only (Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radios). This setting determines what action will be taken on the data contained within this field when the agent chooses to go back to a previous slide.
- do nothing: (default setting) Any selections, including default selections, made within the field will be retained when going back from this slide.
- clear any selection: All selections, including default selections, made within the field will be cleared when going back from this slide. If field is set as Required, data will need to be re-entered.
- reset to default: Default selections that were assigned during the script building process will be restored to the field when going back from this slide.
- When invisible: Available on select-type fields only (Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radios). This setting determines what action will be taken on the data contained within this field after an agent interacts with it, if the slide becomes hidden (invisible) based on the field's Visibility settings. These settings also determine what will be shown within the field if it once again becomes visible.
- do nothing: (default setting) Any selections, including default selections, will remain in the field if it becomes hidden.
Data contained in hidden fields will still be recorded and reported in the session data. - clear any selection: All selections, including default selections, made within the field will be cleared out once the field becomes invisible.
- reset to defaults: Default selections that were assigned during the script building process will be restored to the field and recorded in the session data.
- do nothing: (default setting) Any selections, including default selections, will remain in the field if it becomes hidden.
- Private?: Unselected by default for all fields except for Check and Credit/Debit card. The audio recording of the call will be paused on any slide containing a field with this option enabled. This is done to ensure the call center is PCI compliant.
Be careful using this option on the Cart. If the Cart resides on the Sticky Slide, it is shown on every slide in the script, therefore the recording would be paused for the entire call. If you only want to stop the call recording for the payment information, it is advised that you place private fields on a slide by themselves, or alongside other fields that do not need to be recorded. - Required?: Unselected by default , this option, when enabled requires input in the field before the script can advance. On slides that contain multiple fields with this option enabled, the Next button will not become active until all Required fields have been satisfied.
*This option is not available on the following fields: Button, Cart, Embedded Link, Paragraph. - Choices: Defaults to 3 available choice options. These options are shown to the agent during the call. Available on select-type fields only (Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radios). A single select-type field can have a minimum of 1 choices and a maximum of over 100.
- Value: This is what gets recorded in the session grid after a completed call
- Label: This is shown to the agent during a call and what is recorded in the Field Data
BOTH Value and Label are recorded in the raw session data, but to make reporting accurate and meaningful, it is advisable to assign both of these the same unique identifier. - Adds an additional choice directly underneath
- Sets the conditions for the choice
Individual choices can carry their own settings for On slide back and When Invisible. Each choice can also be assigned its own visibility conditions using the same Always/Never/All of the following/Any of the following rules used for field Visibility, Mirroring, etc. - Deletes the selected choice
- Visibility: Defaults to Always, and available on all fields. This determines when, and under what conditions, the field will be visible to the agent during the call.
Visibility can be set to:
-Always: field is visible at all times
-Never: field is not visible under any conditions
-All of the following: field is visible if all of the listed conditions are met
-Any of the following: field is visible if any of the listed conditions are met
Visibility conditions can be simple:
Or more complex, based on various nested conditions:
*For more information about Visibility and detailed step-by-step instructions, please click here. - Mirroring: Defaulted off. Fields can be set to display mirrored data from another field, or configured to mirror their data to another eligible field within the script.
Mirroring also uses the same type of Always/Never/All of the following/Any of the following conditions used by Visibility.
If you are mirroring data from a field with multiple components (like Name or Address), the Mirror From\Mirror To dropdown allows you to choose specifically what you want.
In the case where you would be mirroring to a field with multiple components, the Local dropdown allows you to choose the exact destination.
Mirroring is available on all fields with a few exceptions:- To protect the integrity of the data, fields can be mirrored into the Cart but data cannot be mirrored from the Cart into any other part of the script.
- Because the Checkboxes field is a multi-select field, data cannot be mirrored into the field and data from the Checkboxes can only be mirrored to either a Text input or Text input (multi-line) field in which the multiple labels will be separated by a comma.
- Mirroring is not available on the following fields:
- Button
- Check
- Credit/Debit card
- Embedded link
- Date input
- Paragraph
*For more information about Mirroring and detailed step-by-step instructions, please click here.
- Validity: Defaulted to Always. When a field has a Validity setting enabled, the slide's NEXT button will remain deactivated until the validity conditions have been satisfied. There are 2 main types of validation available on a few fields in CX Create.
- condition-based validation: A field's validity can be determined based on the same type of Always/Never/All of the following/Any of the following rules used for Visibility and Mirroring.
Available on the following fields:- Button
- Credit/Debit card
- Text input
- Text input (multi-line)
- pattern matching validation: only available for Text input, and will be discussed in detail in that field's section below.
*For more information about Validation, click here.
- condition-based validation: A field's validity can be determined based on the same type of Always/Never/All of the following/Any of the following rules used for Visibility and Mirroring.
2. Field-Specific Settings
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Zip Code Validation: [not selected by default] Option to turn off the automatic, behind-the-scenes lookup process run by CX Create in order to determine whether or not the zip/postal code is a P.O. Box-only zip code.
Certain zip codes have been classified as "non-deliverable" by the United States Postal service, which means that anything sent within that zip code must be sent to a P.O. Box.
Checking this box means that the zip code lookup is disabled and shipments to the address given will be processed regardless of zip code.
Be advised that if the client uses a delivery service that does not deliver to P.O. Boxes (including UPS and some FedEx services), and this option is selected [Disabled], the shipment will be processed and sent, but may be returned to sender as undeliverable. - Address Components: Each piece of the address field can be enabled/disabled with a checkbox. All are defaulted on with the exception of Line 3.
- Character limit: Defaults to 250 and represents the number of characters that will be accepted on each of these components: Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3 (if enabled).
To modify the maximum numbers of characters allowed, click the up/down arrow on the number field or highlight the existing number and type in the desired amount.
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Default Button text: click me!
This is the text that is displayed inside the clickable button area - Enabled: Defaulted to Always. This setting uses the Always/Never/All of the following/ Any of the following conditions to determine whether or not the button will be enabled (clickable) or disabled (not clickable).
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Spread Tax?: Defaulted off. This setting, when enabled and used in conjunction with multiple pay plans, determines whether the total tax amount in the cart should be added into the first payment or spread evenly amongst each payment.
^^^ Example of a cart that DOES NOT have spread tax enabled. The first payment amount ($222.14) is the total of payment #1 ($191.50) plus the full tax amount ($30.64).
^^^ The same order in a cart that has the spread tax feature enabled shows 2 equal payments of $206.82. The total tax amount ($30.64) was divided amongst the pay plans ($15.32, $15.32) and added to the totals from the SKUs ($191.50, $191.50) - Disable system tax lookup?: Defaulted off [tax lookup enabled]. This setting, when selected will turn off the CX Create's internal automatic tax lookup. When items are added to the cart, NO TAX will be added, regardless of the SKU settings or the tax amount for that jurisdiction.
Using a third party tax lookup integration? This feature can be used in conjunction with that. If system tax lookup is disabled [checked], once the integration is triggered, the tax amount will appear in the cart. If system tax lookup is enabled [unchecked], the third party tax amount would replace the CX Create-assigned amount from the automatic lookup.
This setting overrides:- SKU tax settings
^^^ Either Tax (price) or Tax (price, s&h) - All tax jurisdictions (checked or unchecked)
- SKU tax settings
- Billing fields/Shipping fields: The cart will display billing name/shipping name and billing address/shipping address for easy reference. These 2 items need to be assigned using the dropdown menu, which will list only Name-type fields for billing name and Address-type fields for billing address.
*Billing and Shipping names and addresses can pull from the same fields.
Another reminder to assign unique labels to each field during the script creation process.
Simply modifying the Prompt text to ask for "billing name" and "shipping name" is not sufficient if the label is the same.
Proper labeling makes identification easier. - Tax jurisdictions: 70 total- all are defaulted on. This scrollable dropdown is a list of all 10 Canadian provinces, all 3 Canadian territories, plus all 50 U.S. states, Washington D.C., all U.S. territories including Puerto Rico, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
When a SKU is set as taxable, CX Create will perform an internal sales tax lookup based on the jurisdiction, and assign the sales tax amount in the cart.
In this dropdown, you can also Check All, Uncheck All, and Search by typing in the text box.
Tax jurisdictions are not selectable when the Disable system tax lookup feature is enabled. - Payment Plans: Pricing information and payment amounts are assigned in this pop-up. More information on payment plans is available here.
- SKUs: Once a pay plan is added, the option for Add SKU becomes available. SKUs can be added individually, or by clicking the Import SKUs button to add in bulk from a .csv file. More information on adding SKUs can be found here.
*An additional note on Mirroring: The function is the same as it is on other fields, but the only field that can be mirrored to the Cart from the Mirroring modal is the Number field. This must be done if allowing the SKU option for Manually Adjustable Quantity within the script.
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Check components: the following are defaulted on and cannot be unselected
- bank name
- branch city
- check number
- routing number
- account number
- Collect State?: Defaulted off. When selected, adds a bank branch state/province component.
- Default Prompt text: Select some options...
*An additional note on mirroring: the only remote field available to mirror from a Checkboxes field is another set of Checkboxes. However, the Local/Values can be mirrored to another set of Checkboxes, or a Text input field. If mirrored to a text-type field and multiple choices are selected, they will be displayed in a comma-separated list.
Credit/Debit card
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Credit/Debit card components: the following are defaulted on and cannot be unselected
- number
- This text box accepts numbers only, and will also automatically add dashes where appropriate
- expiration month (dropdown list with no placeholder text)
- All months are listed, unless the present year has already been selected. In that instance, only the current and upcoming months will be available to choose from
- expiration year (dropdown list with no placeholder text)
- Displays the current year plus the next ten years
- number
- CCV/CVC present?: Defaulted off. When selected, adds a bank ccv/cvc component.
- The Credit Card Verification or Card Verification Code is the 3 or 4-digit security code assigned to that card for online purchases or purchases in which the card is not physically present.
- This text box accepts a maximum of four numbers only.
- CCV/CVC required?: Defaulted off. This option only appears when CCV/CVC present is enabled on the field. When selected, all 4 components of the field are required.
- Default Prompt text: Select an option...
*Do you have a really long list of items? Consider using the Dropdown field. By default, the list will be compressed to a single line until it is clicked by the agent. Only then will the choices "drop down" for view. It will save a lot of space on the slide!
*An additional note on mirroring: The only remote fields available to mirror from a Dropdown would be either another Dropdown, or Radios. However, the Local/Value can be mirrored to another Dropdown, Radios, or a Text input field (single or multi-line)
Embedded link
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- URL: Text box for the address of the website that will be embedded. CX Create requires a secure connection, so the https:// has been hard-coded and does not need to be retyped.
Because of security measures on the CX Create, only secure https sites can be used. If it is not https, it will not work in this field. - Default address:
As you start typing the website address in the Field Settings, CX Create will begin to search and load a preview of it. - URL Parameters: Click the + Add a param button to assign a custom parameter to the URL*
- URL Preview: will show the complete URL with all parameters, if assigned
- Copy to Clipboard: copies the entire URL from the text box above
*For step-by-step instructions on how to set up custom parameters in a use case, see the article located here.
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Name components: both are defaulted on and cannot be unselected
- first/given name
- last/family name
- Default Prompt text: [none]
- Clear on back?: Defaulted off. Similar to the On slide back feature, when enabled, any number (including default value) will be cleared from the field when going back to a previous slide.
- Clear when invisible?: Defaulted off. Similar to the When invisible feature, when enabled, any number (including default value) will be cleared from the field if it becomes hidden.
- Rounding?: Defaulted on. Any number with decimal places will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
- Placeholder: [empty] Text that will appear in the number field and can be modified during a call. If left blank, this value is not recorded in the session data.
*Be careful not to confuse the purpose of Prompt text and Placeholder text. - Default value: [empty] Number value that will appear in the field, but can be modified based on other conditions (if set), like minimum and maximum.
*If enabled, the Default value will override any assigned Placeholder text. - Minimum value: [empty]
- Fixed amount: When enabled, any amount lower than this will not be accepted as valid by CX Create
- Relative to another item's quantity: When this field is used to determine the quantity of a SKU, enabling this option will make the least acceptable value of this field equal to the value(s) of the other SKU Number\Quantity fields that are assigned.
- Maximum value: [empty]
- Fixed amount: When enabled, any amount higher than this will not be accepted as valid by CX Create
- Relative to another item's quantity: When this field is used to determine the quantity of a SKU, enabling this option will make the highest acceptable value of this field equal to the value(s) of the other SKU Number\Quantity fields that are assigned.
- To configure this feature you will need a script with the following:
- SKUs that are set up with manual quantity controls
- SKUs that have their quantities mirrored from Number/Quantity fields in the script
- A SKU that will base its maximum amount on the total of other SKU quantities
- To configure this feature you will need a script with the following:
For example: If a script is written for selling small widgets and large widgets, and then offers an optional adapter for up to (but not exceeding) the total amount of widgets sold- the customer may choose any number of adapters, with the maximum value relative to the quantity of widgets- or, in this case, the total of small and/or large widgets sold. This ensures that the number of adapters does not surpass the number of widgets.
When the Large Widget and Small Widget SKUs have been configured in the cart and the quantities mirrored from their respective Number/Quantity fields, the Maximum value>Relative to another item's quantity can be configured for adapters.
- choose the Relative to another item's quantity option
- click in the blank text box below it and the eligible fields will appear
- click Large Widget to add it
- click the text box again and choose Small Widget to add that as well
- The maximum value of this field is now capped at the number of Large Widgets + Small Widgets
This example shows 4 large widgets and 2 small widgets. Quantities are being mirrored into the cart. - Because the maximum value now cannot exceed 6, CX Create will not validate any quantity above that
Field is highlighted in red to indicate the chosen quantity is not valid. - When quantity is adjusted to less than or equal to 6, CX Create will recognize it as valid because it satisfies the maximum value relative to the total of the 2 fields selected.
CX Create validates the quantity and mirrors it to the cart. - Step size: Defaults to 1. Indicates the interval at which the field will increment/decrement when the up/down arrow is used on the field during a call.
- Default Prompt text: A bunch of text to be read.
- Togglable?: Defaulted off. When enabled, the paragraph text appears as a button that can be clicked (toggled) on and off which will display/hide the text on the slide.
The text shown on the button is the Paragraph label.
During runtime, only the button will appear. When clicked by the agent, the text will drop down.
This feature is useful when you have a lot of content. The slide will appear more streamlined, and save the agent from having to scroll through large chunks of text.
It is also good for organizing agent rebuttals pertaining to the data that is being collected on the slide. This is not text that an agent is required to read to the caller, but is readily available at the click of a button.
The paragraph text will be minimized by default.
The text will only be displayed when clicked.
- Default Prompt text: Select an option...
- Horizontal: Defaulted off. When enabled, the radio button labels will be displayed in a horizontal layout:
rather than vertical:- Reduce Space: Defaulted off. Option is only accessible when Horizontal feature is on. When enabled, the spacing between fields is reduce to allow more radios is a smaller space.
*The second set of radios has the Reduce Space option enabled.
- Reduce Space: Defaulted off. Option is only accessible when Horizontal feature is on. When enabled, the spacing between fields is reduce to allow more radios is a smaller space.
The Reduce Space option was designed so that more radio fields can fit into a smaller space, specifically theSticky Slide. When used in a script slide, the spacing difference will be less noticeable.
*An additional note on mirroring: he only remote fields available to mirror from Radios would be either another Radios field or a Dropdown. However, the Local\Value can to be mirrored to another set of Radios, a Dropdown, or a Text input (single or multi-line) field.
Text input
- Default Prompt text: Enter a line of text...
- Clear on back?: Defaulted off. Similar to the On slide back feature, when enabled, any text that has been entered during the call will be cleared from the field when going back to a previous slide.
- Clear when invisible?: Defaulted off. Similar to the When invisible feature, when enabled, any text that has been entered during the call will be cleared from the field if it becomes hidden.
- Multi-line?: Defaulted off. When enabled, allows for multiple lines of text to be entered by the agent.
- Limit characters?: Defaulted off. When enabled, a Character limit field appears below the check box, which defaults to 200, and can be modified to any amount.
- Placeholder: enter text
- Validity> pattern matching: The following options are available for validating a line of text
- free text: (default option) Letters, numbers and the following characters are all acceptable- !@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\:;"'<>,.?/
- email: Value should contain one or more characters, an @ symbol, followed by one or more characters, and a domain (.com, .net, .edu, etc)
Text cannot contain spaces or the following characters ^<>()[],;:" - letters only: Field must contain only letters.
- numbers: Field must contain only numbers.
- phone number: Field can contain both letters and numbers, but must have a minimum of 1 number. Can also contain the following characters +.-()
- NANP phone number: Must contain a valid North American Numbering Plan phone number. Can contain letters, numbers and +-.#
- postal code: Field can only contain letters, numbers, and -
- postal code (US/CA): Field can only contain letters, numbers and either a 1 or a space used as a separator.
When matching a US zip code, field is limited to 10 characters when a separator is used, or 9 when it is not.
When matching a Canada postal code, field is limited to 7 characters when a separator is used, or 6 when it is not. - URL: Field should be a valid URL. Does not need to contain www.
Text input (multi-line)
- The text input (multi-line) settings are the same as Text input, with a few exceptions:
- Default Prompt text: Enter a few lines of text...
- Multi-line?: Defaulted on
- Character limit: When enabled, defaults to 500
Date input
- Default Prompt text: Enter a date...
- Placeholder: enter date
- Minimum date: Defaulted off. When enabled, CX Create will only recognize this date, or any date that falls after it. Any mm/dd/yyyy that occurs before the minimum set date will result in an invalid field.
- Current date [unchecked] When enabled, the minimum date will be auto-populated with the current day's date.
Keep in mind that this doesn't hard-code the date in which the feature was enabled, but will always auto-check for the current day's date every time the script is run.
- Current date [unchecked] When enabled, the minimum date will be auto-populated with the current day's date.
- Minimum days/ Maximum days: Defaults to 0. When enabled, these are the the least/most number of days from the Minimum date that CX Create will accept as valid. When value is entered in the Minimum days field, it will auto-enable the Maximum days feature as well, setting it to an equal amount of days.
If the maximum days amount is not adjusted to allow a range of days, the agent will only have one day to choose from when the script is run.
^^ The only available date to choose from in this example is 5 days from the current date because both minimum and maximum days were set to 5.
When a larger number is set for the Maximum days, a range of dates will be available to the agent.