*This article is an addition to the documentation on Using Table Calculations.
As of version 6.2, you can now access column totals on table calculations. To do this:
- Create a new look, or access any existing report that contains table calculations
- Click Explore from Here to edit
- Click the Totals checkbox to enable column totals*
*This will enable totals on all columns (measures and table calculations)- The totals for every column will now be displayed.
A Note on how totals are calculated:
When the total for a calculation is a percentage (average), it will be calculated from the sum totals of the columns used in the calculation, rather than an average of the values in the calculation column.
For example- in the above image, the table calculation Missed Rate (35%) is not obtained by averaging the displayed values in the green column
But by the totals of the 2 measures that make up the calculation:
*To view the calculation, click the Calculations button
In this case, the total for the table calculation of Missed calls is the value of Missed Calls (12,737)/ the value of Calls (36,156):
for a total of .3522 (35%)