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Step-by-step creation of a scheduled report using components of the Call explore.


    • [All campaigns]
      • Click the arrow to the left of Campaigns to expand its list of dimensions
      • Hover your mouse over the first dimension, Campaign

        This will bring up the options for the dimension

        In this case, do NOT click the Campaign dimension. Doing so will add it to your query, and we only want to filter by Campaign.
      • Click on FILTER to add the filter on the right-hand side

        Because we want to include ALL campaigns, the default settings can be left as-is. Otherwise, click in the text box to add a list of the desired campaigns you wish to include in the query.

    • [All agents]
      • Click the arrow to the left of Agents to expand its list of dimensions
      • Hover your mouse over the Agent ID* dimension
        *In this example, you could also use the Agent Name filter instead. Another option is to use both.
      • Click on FILTER to add it
      • Hover your mouse over the Agent Name dimension
      • Click on FILTER to add it
      • Leave both filter settings as-is to include all Agent IDs and names

  • Click Run to test the query
  • Choose a Visualization option
    • Click the arrow to the left of VISUALIZATION to expand the list of available choices
    • Click through each to see how the data would be displayed

      Not all options will be appropriate for all queries
      For example: clicking on the Map visualization will return this message:

      Select the visualization that makes the most sense for the data that will be displayed.

    • Click the Single Value option

  • Save the look
    • Click the settings button in the top right
    • Click on Save as a Look

      • Add a Title and an optional Description
      • Browse for a save location by choosing a folder on the left

        Remember that saving into the Shared space means other users can access and make changes to this look. Saving into your Personal space means that only you can see it.
      • Click Save to save the look and return to the explore or click Save & View Look to save and then run as a new query.


  • Browse to your personal space, if not already there
  • Open one of the looks that were just created
  • Click the Settings icon in the top right corner of the look
  • Click on Add to Dashboard

  • Because we are creating a NEW dashboard, click on New Dashboard

    *If this look was being added to an existing dashboard, select the desired dashboard from the space by clicking its name, and then click Add

  • Type a name for the dashboard and click OK

    The new dashboard will now appear highlighted in the dropdown list and the message at the top of the pop-up will reflect the visualization type of the look that was just added.

    nicubunu-Light-bulb-300px.pngImage Removed
    Image Added
    Another way of adding a look to a dashboard is to refer to the right-hand side of the screen when inside the look:

    Add to Dashboard can also be clicked here and the steps are the same as above.

  • Add the other two looks by using one of the methods above.
  • Browse to your personal space and click the new dashboard containing the three looks that you just added
    • By default, the looks will be stacked vertically, in the order they were added
