Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When configuring a CX Route outbound voice campaign, leads can be imported into a Sheet from a CSV file.

Before you set the lead type, you must have a program/campaign created. For more information on that, click here.

  1. Creating the Spreadsheet
  2. Setting the Lead Type
  3. Syncing the Creation Event
  4. Uploading Records to the Lead List

1. Creating the Spreadsheet

A Lead List using CX Route's Sheet feature can be created at any time during campaign setup.

From any spreadsheet program, add your lead information in designated columns:
Image Added

  • Columns should NOT have a header
  • Columns of data that are not within the standard OBTM columns can be customized
    *For more information on adding custom column headers, click here.
  • If a field is only applicable to some records and not others, the records without that information should be left blank.
    • If this is not done, the contact records will not display properly:
      Image Added
      *In the above example, you can see how all of column E should be reserved for Address Line 2 only, allowing columns F=city, G=state, H=zip code.

  • The sheet must be saved as a standard Comma Separated Values (.csv) file:

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2. Setting the Lead Type

From CX Route:

  • Browse to the OB campaign you will be using
  • Click to view the Details tab
  • Scroll down and change the Lead Source option from Internal[default] to Sheet
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  • Scroll down and click Update so that the Leads Sheet entry appears underneath
    Image Added

    • CX Route will create this for you using the naming convention
      {Campaign Name} Leads
    • To access the lead sheet, click the blue button with the Leads Sheet name
      Image Added
      *This will take you to Sheets, where the leads are stored and can be viewed/edited. For more information on managing all sheets, including leads sheets, click

3. Syncing the Creation Event

A vital step in the creation of a lead sheet is to sync the record creation event BEFORE you import the records.
Image Added If this is not done, or done out of sequence, the leads will not be created.

  • Click the blue button (shown above) to access the lead sheet details.
  • Click the Events tab
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  • Click the Sync checkbox for the Sheet Record Created Event
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  • Click Update to save the synced event
    Image Added

4. Uploading Records to the Lead List

From the Leads Sheet section of the Details tab: Click the Leads Sheet button (see above)
*Lists can also be managed directly from the Sheets section in the left-hand navigation bar.

  • Click the Import tab
    Image Added
  • Click the + to browse to the location of your spreadsheet to add it
  • Click Continue
    Image Added
    *The Import Template dropdown will list any previous sheets that have been uploaded to this campaign. Choosing a template will ensure that your previously-assigned column headers will be used. If this is the first import to the campaign, this dropdown will be empty, defaulting to "New Template".

  • The records will now be displayed on the Import tab:
    Image Added
  • Match up each of the columns by clicking the dropdown above it and select the default option that best represents it.
    Image Added
    Image Added Does your spreadsheet contain data that isn't covered by one of the default columns?
    You can create a custom column header as part of Sheet Management. For details, click here.
  • Make sure every column is assigned
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  • Click Import Data to save the records
    Image Added
  • A summary of the import will appear:
    Image Added
  • Click Update to save the import

Exporting data is covered here

For more information on managing sheets, click here.