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This The Outbound Lists allows  section allows you to view the lists of leads for Programs and lead list properties for Outbound Campaigns. You can edit the settings for how each list is managed. 

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA

Security: Only users with the supervisor role can access this section.


Outbound Lists:

If there is a list of leads associated with an Outbound Campaign you can find it here.


When you create an Outbound Campaign two lists are automatically created: New and Touched. The New List controls the properties of leads that have not yet been dialed. The Touched List controls the properties of leads that have been dialed at least once.



The Edit button to allows you to change information about the list selected.


  • Name - Name of the list.

  • Campaign - The Campaign the list is associated with.

  • Scheduled Scrubbing - Enable auto-scrubbing at 6 am for leads that have not already been scrubbed.


  • Typically, leads

    • Leads are scrubbed when they are uploaded , so this normally is not requiredbut rescrubbing is required on a daily basis before leads can be dialed again

    • DEFAULT: No

  • Send alerts when there are no available leads - Set alerts for low available lead countSend alerts when running low on leads - Set alerts for low lead countDEFAULT: No

  • Message for no available leads alert - verbiage of the message that will pop when the alert is set to Yes

  • Sorting

    • Normal - Dial newest leads first (DEFAULT)

    • Catch up - Dial oldest leads first

  • Contact Status - Select New or other (this should NOT be confused with touch status) - contact status remains as New until it is changed by the auto-dialer or a custom process - DEFAULT - New

  • Observe DNC Scrub - DEFAULT - Yes

    • Yes (Only dial checked DNC statuses) - check off the statuses in the list below to be included in dials

    • Internal only (Only scrub out Internal DNC list) - the status returned by is ignored, leads are only checked against the internal list (see: Supervisor → DNC Numbers)

    • No (Ignore DNC

    Statuses - Select the DNC statuses to apply
    • statuses) - no DNC checks in play

  • DNC Statuses - all possible DNC statues are listed, EXCEPT # - which is the override DNC status - generally issued due to some sort of state of emergency

    • If Observe DNC scrub is set to Yes you MUST select at least one status here or no calls will be made

  • Observe DNC Calling Window - Do you want to dial within the hours determined by DNC - DEFAULT - Yes

  • Country - The Country associated with the leads .- DEFAULT - United States

  • Caller ID - The number that shows up on leads Caller ID .- see also Campaign → Caller ID

  • Include Touched Leads - Select if you want this list to include touched leads - Default for New list is No and Touched list is Yes.

  • Maximum Touch Limit - Control the number of times any one lead can be dialed - DEFAULT - 3

    • note the definition is that a lead is eligible to be called if it has been attempted less than or equal to the number.

    • So maximum attempts is actually this number plus 1

  • Between Dial Interval Size

    • DAY (dialing once per day) (DEFAULT)

    • HOUR (dialing multiple times per day)

  • Intervals Between Dials - Control the number of days time period before a lead can be dialed again .in days or hours depending on the interval setting

  • Minimum Dialable Leads - Set the lowest number of available scrubbed leads .- DEFAULT = 0

    • If number dips below the minimum value, numbers will be scrubbed again even if they have been scrubbed previously

    • Maximum accepted value is 50, which scrubs 150 leads

  • Minimum Lead Age - Determine how new the newest lead is that is included in this list.a lead must be this many days old before it can be dialed - DEFAULT = N/A

  • Maximum Lead Age - Determine how old the oldest lead is that is included in this list. a lead must be less than this many days old to be dialed - DEFAULT = 30 days

  • Associate Leads with Agents - Determine if you want each lead to be associated with an agent.a lead is connected with an agent it will only be fed to this specific agent on subsequent attempts

  • Filter Callbacks - if a callback is scheduled for a lead they will ONLY be filtered out of the regular dialing list if this is set to Yes, otherwise a lead will be refed at the next interval even if that is BEFORE the scheduled callback - DEFAULT - No

  • Suspended - Select whether this list should be active or not .- DEFAULT - No

Preview Leads:

Preview Leads shows you the specific list of leads with more information.


NOTE: if you are not using DNC statuses this will be empty


  • Phone # - Telephone number on the lead.

  • First Name - The First Name on the lead.

  • Last Name - The List Name on the Lead.

  • Timezone - The Timezone of the lead.

  • List Calls - How many times the lead was dialed out of this list.

  • All Calls - How many time the lead has been called.

  • Today Calls - How many times the leads was dialed today.
